Searching Tips

Note: When specifying Boolean operators with keywords such as AND, OR or NOT, the keywords must be all uppercase.

Searching for multiple terms where any of the terms must be present

Enter the key words you are searching as follows: stone OR effigy or alternatively stone effigy, as searches default to an "OR" search if no Boolean operator is provided. This will result in the search being: stone OR effigy.

Searching for multiple terms where all terms must be present

Enter the key words you are searching as follows: stone AND effigy. This will result in the search being: stone AND effigy.

Searching for an exact phrase

Enter your term as follows:"wood effigy". This will search for all records that contain the specified phrase.

Excluding a term from a search

If you need to exclude a term from a search enter your search as follows: -wood or NOT wood. This will return all records that do not contain the term "wood".

Combining multiple conditions

If you enter the following query: stone AND "North Carolina" -effigy. This will result in a search for all records that contain the phrase "North Carolina" and the word "stone", but not the word "effigy".